
Spanish prepositions, like those in English, can be one of the trickiest grammar topics to master. That's because each verb is particular about which preposition it is followed by to make a verb phrase. 

Here are some of the most common prepositions in Spanish:

This preposition can mean “to”, “at”, “by”, or “for” depending on the manner it is used. It is used to:
indicate motion (to)
connect one verb to an infinitive (not translated directly)
indicate manner, how something is done (on, by, with)
introduce a person as a direct object (the “personal a”)
introduce an indirect object (to, for)
express time (at, is)

This preposition can mean “of” or “from”, depending on the use. It is used to:
indicate possession (of)
indicate cause (from, with)
indicate origin (from, of)
describe a noun with another noun or infinitive (of)
compare (than)
in idioms

This preposition can mean “in”, “on”, “at”, “about”, or “by” depending on the context. It is used to:
indicate location (in, on, at)
indicate time (in)
indicate manner, how something is done (by)
in idioms 

Some prepositional phrases are set phrases that must be memorized. Examples of those include:
montar a caballo (to go horseback riding)
montar en bicicleta (to go bike riding)
ir de compras (to go shopping)
ir a bailar (to go dancing)

Knowing when to use a specific preposition is so particular to the conditions of the verb and the object that there is no one rule for each preposition. You just have to memorize them. Don't worry, though; practice makes perfect!

Here are a few lessons and articles that will give you some tips on how and when to use prepositions: