Does Fluencia have an app?
We don’t offer a downloadable app version of Fluencia, but you can use the program on any device including iPad, iPhone, and Android tablets and smartphones by typing the address in the address bar of an internet browser on your mobile device.
For easier access, you can save Fluencia's mobile app to your home screen. See the instructions below for iOS and Android devices.
For iPhones, iPads, and other iOS mobile devices:
1. Navigate to your Fluencia login page using Safari. At this time, Safari is the only browser that iOS will allow you to save to your home screen.
2. Once you've logged in, select the 'share' option from the bottom of the screen, which looks like a square with an arrow pointing upwards.
A menu will appear that provides you with several different options. Below the AirDrop and social media options, you will see a plus-sign icon that says "Add to Home Screen" that you can select.
3. A menu will appear showing you how the app will be saved. You can customize or change anything you like. Otherwise, click the "Add" option in the upper right corner of the screen.
4. You will now see a Fluencia icon on your home screen that you can move around and access like any other iOS app. Just be sure that your device is connected to the internet, either with wifi or a cellular data plan, when you open Fluencia.
For Android mobile devices:
1. Navigate to your Fluencia login page using Google Chrome. Chrome is the browser we generally recommend for using Fluencia.
2. Once you've logged in, open the Google Chrome menu. (We took these screenshots using a Samsung Galaxy S4, so where your menu is located may vary. For the Galaxy S4, it is the lower left button. If you're unsure where to find the menu, try Googling your device's name to find instructions.) From the Google Chrome Menu, you will see the option "Add to homescreen."
3. A menu will appear showing you how the app will be saved. You can customize or change anything you like. Otherwise, click the "Add" option.
4. You will now see a Fluencia icon on your home screen that you can move around and access like any other app. Just be sure that your device is connected to the internet, either with wifi or a cellular data plan, when you open Fluencia.