How do I pause between slides?
By default, lessons in Fluencia advance from one slide to the next automatically when you answer correctly. However, we've created a setting that allows users to advance manually so that they can study correct answers.
You'll find this setting in your profile. From any page in Fluencia, hover over your name in the upper righthand corner of the screen and click on the "My Profile" option in the dropdown menu.
From your profile page, scroll down to the bottom to the section marked "Account settings." (This is also the part of your profile where you can set voice recognition and accent requirement settings.)
The option for "Auto-advance on correct answers" will be selected by default. If you uncheck the box, every slide will have a "Continue" button, so you'll be able to review your correct answers and move forward at your own pace. If you ever want to turn auto-advance back on, just come back to your profile and re-check the option.